Wednesday 15 December 2010



Me as "The Killjoy" (One who spoils the enthusiasm or fun of others)
My daughter as "Others" (the one full of enthusiasm and fun)

So, ever since my daughter has been able to sit up by herself in the bath she has loved to splash, who wouldn't? It is something that we have merrily encouraged. I often find myself saying "bath time, splash splash splash". But lately she has started splashing with such "enthusiasm" that the whole bathroom is soaked and I end up covered in as much water as she does. I started trying to calm it down with "ok, that's enough now" and quickly ramped it up to "STOOOOOOP NOOOOW!!!" Ok, maybe not that far. I have tried: ignoring her, distracting her with toys, distracting her with songs, distracting her with a pile of bubbles, asking her to kick her legs instead, brushing her teeth, washing her hair, splashing back, telling her to stop, asking her to stop, pleading with her to stop, you get the picture. I am truly stuck as to how to limit this splashing to a more acceptable level (that being one where the room and my clothes are a little dryer, and I can reach in to lift her out without getting a face full of water).
But then I wonder whether I am just being a killjoy, and I should just let her splash away, after all the bathroom is meant to get wet, and my clothes will dry.

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